02 August 2009


Did this one for a friend. For all the batman fansatics, we all know phantasm was female. however, my friend wasn't satisfied with that and I have been asked to customize one.Though the phantasm is actually a female, I suppose my version keeps the essence of the phantasm true and not its scripted character. Okay well here he is...

base: undertaker
sculpted: hood, gloves, boots, cape
cape: ML ronin; to do the front, i cut out card paper then used sculpt to layer over the card paper.

took a wwf undertaker that was a two pack with kane or something, idk. I noticed he had a big bum forehead and a mullet. great. pulled off the mullet and filled the hole with sculpt. Then I sculpted the face. This was a two step process. First I sculpted the front of the face then the cheeks. Second I sculpted over the cheeks to create the cheekbones.
for the cape, I used my friend's Ronin cape from the ML Dr Doom. I cut the bottom of the cape to match my references. Then I took car paper and cut out what the front should look like then superglued it. Used a layer of sculpt for some volume and texture and to bond more seemingly with the Ronin cape.
for the hood, it was another two step process. First, after sanding the hair down, I sculpted over the top and created the pointed section of the hood. Second, I sculpted around the face and the excess of the hood.
I sculpted the lower arms to look like gloves. I sanded down the lower legs then sculpted boots over that.
the only thing I am missing is the right hand. I am actually avoiding making it out of sculpt. I like to use minimal sculpt so I have yet to forage around for fodder to make the razor glove thing. Updates on the hand will come eventually. meh


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