06 October 2009

Cable (alternate color)
[Marvel vs Capcom 2]

After a long argument within myself, I have finally decided to do a MvC2 roster. I've seen others do one and I though it was pretty cool but still wasnt motivated enough. Then I got the game via xbox arcade and remembered the good ol' times, though am still not motivated enough. After playing a few weeks or so, going in to months, I decided how to do a MvC2 roster while putting something unique and personal to it - I am going to do it mostly sprite-based and using my favorite color scheme for each character regardless if it is the characters' original color scheme. So, to conclude, I am opening up my roster collection with Cable in his P2 alternate color scheme: pinkish-purplish and yellow.

base: ML Cable
left arm: Mr. Sinister w/ Cable's left hand
dremelled and sanded the belt and all the pouches then apoxie. Sculpted Cable's bangs, repaint the face and added a brown wash. Modded Cable's hands so he gets trigger-fingers

There's a lot of paint rub and little mistakes on it but by the time you read this, theyve all been fixed. Oh and the face is done really well but the pics look cool with some shadow lol.

Deadpool (Earth 5700)

I'm finally posting this one up. Been done for a few months or so. Did this custom as soon as i finished my first deadpool. Anyway, this version of Deadpool is based on the alternate earth universe 5700. Apparently, Deadpool joins Wolverine and the x-men. I really liked this version since everyone else is so used to seeing him in his usual black/red scheme.

base: 2-pack forge
head: Bullseye + apoxie
forearms & hands: Bullseye
belt (not pictured): LCBH Star

I made a belt but I figured he looked good without it. But he will be displayed with it attached.