06 October 2009

Cable (alternate color)
[Marvel vs Capcom 2]

After a long argument within myself, I have finally decided to do a MvC2 roster. I've seen others do one and I though it was pretty cool but still wasnt motivated enough. Then I got the game via xbox arcade and remembered the good ol' times, though am still not motivated enough. After playing a few weeks or so, going in to months, I decided how to do a MvC2 roster while putting something unique and personal to it - I am going to do it mostly sprite-based and using my favorite color scheme for each character regardless if it is the characters' original color scheme. So, to conclude, I am opening up my roster collection with Cable in his P2 alternate color scheme: pinkish-purplish and yellow.

base: ML Cable
left arm: Mr. Sinister w/ Cable's left hand
dremelled and sanded the belt and all the pouches then apoxie. Sculpted Cable's bangs, repaint the face and added a brown wash. Modded Cable's hands so he gets trigger-fingers

There's a lot of paint rub and little mistakes on it but by the time you read this, theyve all been fixed. Oh and the face is done really well but the pics look cool with some shadow lol.

Deadpool (Earth 5700)

I'm finally posting this one up. Been done for a few months or so. Did this custom as soon as i finished my first deadpool. Anyway, this version of Deadpool is based on the alternate earth universe 5700. Apparently, Deadpool joins Wolverine and the x-men. I really liked this version since everyone else is so used to seeing him in his usual black/red scheme.

base: 2-pack forge
head: Bullseye + apoxie
forearms & hands: Bullseye
belt (not pictured): LCBH Star

I made a belt but I figured he looked good without it. But he will be displayed with it attached.

26 August 2009

Wolverine (Silver Exclusive w/ metal claws)

This is the reason why I started these customs, to put in metal claws on Wolverine like he deserved. It all started when I heard about figurerealm.com. I went on the site and read a tutorial on how to add metal claws on this guy. Then I started browsing around the site and I like what I saw. Went to the toy store to find a Wolverine and instead I picked up a black costumed Spidey. It wasnt until recently that I decided to add these claws, finally.

I was going to paint it but then I thought it looked badass all silver. I added the exaggerated slits that go over Wolvie's hands and painted it silver.

base: Toys `R` Us exclusive 25th Anniversary Wolverine
claws: bobby pins

23 August 2009

The Wink
[Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects]

Commissioned this one for Nesto. Dont know much about this character prior to my research. All I know is that she is from the video game Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects, she has white skin, a hood, some greenish implant on her right outter thigh which allows her to teleport, 3 tendrils on the back and the ability to produce some on her arms and hands.

base: Spiderwoman
tendrils: craft wire on the back and paper and sculpt on the arm

21 August 2009

Justice Lord Batman

Repainted this for Ernesto. He gave me some batman that was all grey and blue. Base coated the body in flat black by testors. Then I painted the cape and cowl grey as well as the stripes on the lower arms and legs. The belt was stripped off and then base coated in black then drybrushed silver. The batsymbol is also silver.

base: Batman

20 August 2009

Batman TAS (repaint)

Repainted this for Ernesto. He gave me some batman that was all grey and blue. Base coated all the blue parts in insignia blue by testors then a heavy dry brush of flat black. The only part I didn't paint was the inside of the cape. I was going to repaint the symbol in classic black and yellow but I remember him having that same batsymbol from TAS when he was with robin.

base: Batman

05 August 2009

Iron Spider-Man

I bought the original iron spider-man online and was very disappointed at it. I only wanted it to enhance its originaly extra arms but the reality of it is that the whole figure just sucked. So instead, I made my own iron spider and will just have to make its extra arms out of scratch.

base: ML Captain Marvel
head: LCBH Star
forearms: Bullseye
hands: Hasbro's Iron Spider-man

I used various references to complete the look of iron spider-man. There was the bust, comic books, fan art, and the original figure. Started with captain marvel as a base. ripped off the head and forearms. LCBH star head, bullseye forearms, original iron spider hands. sculpted over the forearms, sculpted the legs, the bottom of star's eyes, and of course the insignia. painted the forearms and the shoulders gold. For the color, I did the metallic look, primed in black then based in silver and finally clear red.

Soon, if I find the right formula and materials, I'll add on his spiderlegs.

02 August 2009


Did this one for a friend. For all the batman fansatics, we all know phantasm was female. however, my friend wasn't satisfied with that and I have been asked to customize one.Though the phantasm is actually a female, I suppose my version keeps the essence of the phantasm true and not its scripted character. Okay well here he is...

base: undertaker
sculpted: hood, gloves, boots, cape
cape: ML ronin; to do the front, i cut out card paper then used sculpt to layer over the card paper.

took a wwf undertaker that was a two pack with kane or something, idk. I noticed he had a big bum forehead and a mullet. great. pulled off the mullet and filled the hole with sculpt. Then I sculpted the face. This was a two step process. First I sculpted the front of the face then the cheeks. Second I sculpted over the cheeks to create the cheekbones.
for the cape, I used my friend's Ronin cape from the ML Dr Doom. I cut the bottom of the cape to match my references. Then I took car paper and cut out what the front should look like then superglued it. Used a layer of sculpt for some volume and texture and to bond more seemingly with the Ronin cape.
for the hood, it was another two step process. First, after sanding the hair down, I sculpted over the top and created the pointed section of the hood. Second, I sculpted around the face and the excess of the hood.
I sculpted the lower arms to look like gloves. I sanded down the lower legs then sculpted boots over that.
the only thing I am missing is the right hand. I am actually avoiding making it out of sculpt. I like to use minimal sculpt so I have yet to forage around for fodder to make the razor glove thing. Updates on the hand will come eventually. meh

14 June 2009


My very first deadpool. Apparently these make big $$$. I plan to make more and sell. I basically just too my favorite pieces of deadpool costumes and put them together. If you dont know anything about this guy then hes the ultimate badass: a shooting, slicing, healing, teleporting, foul mouth mofo. I might sell this piece because theres one I have in mind that i want for my own personal collection. Look up a deadpool action figure on eBay, I dare ya and check it out.

base: a complete ML Bullseye
belt: LCBH Star
sculpted over the eyes and mouth but kept the ears and added the leftover point from the hoodie out of sculpt.
black-based paint and citadel bloodred.


26 May 2009

Captain Planet

He's our hero; gonna take pollution down to zero. I wanted to make this guy right from the get-go. Very simple recipe. I took off the sculpted belt cuz I figured it would turn out like shit. I'm glad I did.

base: ML Bullseye
lower arms: ML twin pack Mr. Fantastic
head: DCUC Kalibak Series Superman (variant)
belt: rubberband


16 May 2009

Rubberband Man

Wild as the Taliban, 9 in my right, 45 in my other hand. From Static Shock. Its too bad they never made any figures of the show for real. This is my interpretation.

base:ML 2 pack Mr. Fantastic, ML Falcon's head
used my own mix or royal blue and red to make the purple then mixed that purple with white for the gloves, feet, and cornrows

I wanna make static but I cant find any other good heads plus a jacket. I'm tempted to but dont want to use another falcon head since I've already used it for Rubberband Man

05 May 2009

Black Costume Spider-Man (repaint)

Just a repaint. Nothing special. It came with blue highlights to make it seem like its comic-accurate. I didnt like it.

Base: Marvel Legends Red Hulk Series Black Costume Spider-Man
repainted with Testor's flat black.

04 May 2009

Val Hallen

Finished it a minute ago... I'm pretty disappointed. It actually took me a long ass time to make but it looks like a rushed job. Paint rub was such a bitch to me and the skin color was just so thick. Well he's more or less like his toon counterpart. Not my greatest custom but at least I'm another step closer to finishing the set. I really dont plan on making version 2.0 unless I find really good materials.

base: LCBH Savage Dragon
hair: made out of fix-it and metal wire
used a pineapple yellow, flat black, silver, and Testor's skin base tint light
guitar: Guitar Hero toy

Major Glory is all that's left! Probably by next week

25 April 2009

The Infraggable Krunk

The Infraggable Krunk. Finished it days ago but can't remember when... I was gonna wait until i finished the whole set but it doesn't look like its anytime soon. Dont know who this guy is? Go HERE and HERE. This Krunk does not smile. This Krunk is badass. And this Krunk is vainy.

base: HOM Hulk
hair: sculpted with the trusty Fix-it
used my own base coat of blue using warlock purple, royal blue, and light skin tone. Then my own mix of purple using red, royal blue, and white. To seal things up I used a matte-finish Mod Podge

Val Hallen and Major Glory coming soon.

08 April 2009

Spider-Man Unlimited (TAS)

Spiderman Unlimited from the animated series. My second custom. I have yet to see this figure anywhere else although I did run into a picture of one in what seemed like to be a toyfair however I'm assuming the figure was never released because the series was cancelled at around its first dozen episodes.

base:MLBAF Ares Scarlet Spider
used fix-it sculpt to fill in the embedded lines on the head, fix-it- sculpted the spider emblem on the front, back arms, calves. primed with krylon blue gloss, then drybrushed black, filled in the red and added the white eyes.

I plan to create the appropriate cape for it just for the sake of it being accurate and it will for sure be removeable, but in truth, nobody likes it and to those who say the cape is a staple of this outfit: you have no idea what you are talking about.

02 April 2009

Scarlet Spider

Scarlet Spider Custom Action FigureScarlet Spider Custom Action FigureScarlet Spider Custom Action Figure
The Scarlet Spider. My first custom. I do plan to redo this properly. There were only a few of these figures made nd were all from the 90's which means crappy quality, crappy detail, crappy articulation. This is my updated version of it.

base:MLBAF Red Hulk Black Spiderman
Fix-it Sculpted eyes, sweater, belt, web shooters, and anklet pouches

Be on the lookout for Scarlet Spider v2.0